Sunday, February 15, 2009

another year...

so the rest of 2008 went down in history as the worst time in my life. like all those to experience parenthood, i am radically changed, yet not in the way of most parents.

somehow we don't debate like we did; time, grief, children, time, work etc...

but there undoubtedly remain points of contention. how can we bring more into this world without critical reflection of where we all are; and how to make the future a better place?

just because we've been busy doesn't mean we can't continue beyond the pub.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

is this what happens beyond the pub?

babies, children, careers. 
too busy to write.

a different focus.

we might well now be beyond the pub, but how long we will stay there is unknown.
i reckon there's banter left in us yet.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

always look on the bright side

as the running compendium of interesting information from the NY times this could not be missed... pessimism makes you die younger (or gives you more heart disease)...

there's a well known link between cardiac disease and depression.

enjoy what you do. bottom line

Friday, January 05, 2007

manifacturing work?

this article is suggesting that the health care system is making us sick!

exactly how i feel at the moment.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

all class...

fat as a class issue... bet i could find stuff relating the extremes of addiction to class too..
solve inequality, solve everything.

but perhaps the environment will equalise us soon enough.

been a month since the last entries...
run out of fight?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

after my own heart

another article from the nytimes... (why can't i buy the hard copy of this newspaper in melbourne??) a balanced (in my opinion) discussion of the risks and benefits, and the data/information available about drinking during pregnancy.

conclusion - that the evidence compares excess with abstinence and finds for abstinence, BUT there's very little evidence for moderation (that word again). and there's a raft of historical evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, that probably implies relative safety in moderation.

i think EXTREMEs are dangerous... perhaps?

Thursday, November 23, 2006


probably the point from the irrelevant 'ebm' was to cast aspersions on the manipulation of information by drug companies / MNC / NGOs for their own means.

and manipulation of information (against my views) just makes my life less pleasant, and my struggle for power less successful.

swim today?