Thursday, November 02, 2006


and here's are failing, for all of us... the data.

is there independent information about any of this?
we're happy to definitely link lung cancer and smoking, but the links between alcohol & disease are more complex.

remember there are influences that would see us continue to drink, there are influences who would like to see alcohol removed from the world. all data must be considered... as we discussed perhaps much of this comes down to personality types? but where's 'the evidence'??

there are no RDBCT with alcohol, and there won't be... and i possibly wouldn't trust it anyway (sponsored by Southcorp, Lions, or a big Pharma with a new 'pill' to prevent alcohol use... perhaps)... Case control is as good as it gets, and how much do we trust the statistics?

this may come down to experiential arguement, which may depend on personality type...

as for the YOUNG MEN in ED argument - young men are often destructive, self-destructive, other-destructive. I don't think the drug is the issue, its part of being young and stupid, and it seems likely that those urges have been present for millenia. Does the presence of last amounts of Ecstacy in the party population reduce the violence in saturday night ED's? Maybe, but Ecstacy is also 'bad for you'... Is GBH a better option - unconscious rather than aggressive - you remember how much that drug annoys me in terms of ED resources, and that's completely leaving out the issues with the worst drug - ICE.

the answers are not straight forward. so people (yes, we were once) are going to be young and stupid - what's the safest way?

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