Saturday, November 04, 2006

Diet relativity

It's a reference frame issue: life just seems longer when you are eating less than you want. Joking aside, this makes perfect sense to me. So, Aj, are you going to implement it? I've started. Should have a BMI of 20 in about 2012. Consider the money I'm gonna save! Hard to eat less when one is drinking 20 g/day of alcohol, though.

Emergergency rooms will be filled with dickheads, true, and it is better for everyone to have injured drunks in casualty than somehere else. Prohibitiion is a bad idea, anyway. But what about responsible drinking? Should parents tell their children to drink sensibly? Yes, and lead by example. Ditto cannibis? Aj, what is the data on that?

Oh, nearly forgot drink driving. Is a person that puts a pedestrian in a wheelchair worse if they were drunk? No. Put everyone at fault in Jail for 20 years, and make licences hard to get and easy to lose. Not really a booze issue at all, given that speeding drivers (in both senses) are pretty dangerous, too.

Both monkeys look miserable. It's because they are locked up. Is this really the ethical animal experimentation that doctors are talking about, that saves lives and develops drugs?

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