Friday, November 03, 2006

the monkey plan

so the big pharma's are trying to find the 'key ingredient' in red wine that helps us live longer, and better! research on mice with a particular red wine extract recently mentioned in the NYtimes suggests that

Even more strikingly, the substance sharply extended the mice’s lifetimes. Those fed resveratrol along with the high-fat diet died many months later than the mice on high fat alone, and at the same rate as mice on a standard healthy diet.
They had all the pleasures of gluttony but paid none of the price.

I love that line 'all the pleasures of gluttony but paid none of the price' ...
we love the big pharmaceutic companies don't we?
what was i saying about data and its manipulation?

while on the topic of the NYTimes, its important to insert this reference while its still available...

there is animal evidence, originally with mice, now with monkey's, that seems to suggest that one can delay aging by living on 70% recommended daily calorific intake. (in fact that was a RACP written exam question in 2005]

which monkey looks happier?

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