Monday, November 13, 2006

in moderation...

but to take myself back into our argument - how much do people who identify themselves as 'moderate drinkers' drink? you know that the basic rule of thumb is 'take the number given by the patient and double it, add one...'

so perhaps we just don't really know if drinking is bad for us? we know that not-drinking may not be as good for you as moderate drinking. or perhaps we could say that the statement is as true as its opposite?

i think its safe to say (plausible etc) that if alcohol affects your ability to function as a 'normal' member of society then there is a problem. if you are physically dependent, its unlikely to be healthy! and i'm happy to assume that 'binge drinking' is associated with increased risk of death by injury (again, it makes sense...).

but the glasses of wine with dinner? is that bad for you?
i doubt it. and i don't think there's overwhelming evidence to say i'm wrong.

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